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Meet the centre teams

Becoming a part of the Blind Veterans UK family, is more than taking a new job. Our staff no matter the job are playing a key role changing the lives of blind veterans forever.

Our centre staff cover a variety of roles and specialisms but they are all united on the same mission - to rebuild lives after sight loss.

On this page we would like to introduce a few team members from our Centres of Wellbeing. Watch the videos to find out more.

Meet Karlo, Clinical lead

Karlo and his team works with blind veterans to help them achieve their goals. Roles include nurses and health care support workers.

Meet Gawain, Multidisciplinary lead

Gawain and the rehabilitation team support Blind Veterans with their rehabilitation and wellbeing needs. This includes a variety of roles from Vision Rehabilitation Specialists (ROVIs) and occupational therapists to sports facilitators. This team is vital in supporting our veterans to learn new skills and work towards their individual goals.

Meet Jo, Community engagement lead

Jo and her team are responsible for building lasting relationships in our local community. From communications professionals to event coordinators Jo's team look to collaborate with our community to bring a breadth of enrichment to our veterans lives through events, musicians and entertainers. 

Meet Kellie, Health and Wellbeing Service Manager

Kellie and her team works with blind veterans to help blind veterans during their respite stays at our centre. Roles include Occupational Therapists and Rehabilitation Officers for the Vision Impaired.

Meet Catherine, Hospitality lead

Catherine and her team play a crucial role for all blind veterans visiting the centre. Often the first and last people our veterans will see, offering information and support throughout their visits.  

Meet Janine, Facilities lead

Whether you are part of Janine's amazing transport team, bringing our veterans to the centres safely; or part of the grounds and maintenance team who keep our Rustington home safe and peaceful for all our veterans.  

Careers at our centres

If you are interested in finding more about these roles and what its like working at Blind Veterans UK

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