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Artwork created by our veterans, staff and volunteers unveiled

Published on 19 Oct 2021

To mark one year since the launch of our National Creative Project, our Brighton centre unveiled the "Collaboration in Colour" artwork. The project was created to keep our veterans connected and to prevent them from feeling isolated during the lockdown period.

Earlier this month, we unveiled our 'Collaboration in Colour' artwork at our training and rehabilitation centre in Brighton. This is one of the many creative activities that has been available for veterans to take part in thanks to the National Creative project. The project was inspired by the ‘thank you NHS’ rainbows and brings together work created by veterans, staff and volunteers.

Louise Kirk-Partridge, Rehab Lead Art & Craft says:

“This project ran for six months with two months spent on each colour theme. The artwork is a mixed media piece with lots of collage work, using papers, cardboard, paints, sewn, knitted and crocheted pieces, recycled bits and bobs, so many of the squares are interesting to the touch. We plan to display Collaboration in Colour at the Brighton Centre until next Easter and then to transfer it to our Llandudno Centre so visitors there can enjoy it for a while”.

Veterans who wanted to get involved with the project were sent packs containing everything that they needed to create the squares. They were encouraged to include recycled materials that they had to hand at home. Many veterans who took part were present at the unveiling which took place in the main Lounge.

Various colourful designs on small tiles, displayed together to create a rainbow-like collaborative artwork
'Collaboration in Colour' artwork created by blind veterans, staff and volunteers

“It’s amazing to see the little squares come together, what amazing colours! We weren’t sure what it would look like but it was a lovely surprise”.

Win Amos
Blind veteran
Blind veteran, Win, smiling and pointing to her tile in the Collaboration in Colour artwork
Blind veteran Win finding her artwork

As well as Collaboration in Colour, veterans have been encouraged to get involved with many different activities over the last year thanks to the project, from painting to gardening. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the National Creative project allows veterans to take part in activities which would usually be available at the centre, from the comfort and safety of their own home.

Louise says:

“We hope it’s presence in the centres will provide an uplifting and inspiring experience of what can be achieved when we all come together with our small contributions in collaboration to create something amazing”.