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News Veterans' stories

Blind veteran’s ‘survival guide’ published

Published on 10 Feb 2022

One of our blind veterans has published his third book, entitled ‘Winging it Blind’, with the hope of helping others who are adapting to life with sight loss.

The book explores the world of sight loss through five distinct levels: essential knowledge, management and adaptation, engagement with the real world, practical steps towards independence, and sight loss and society. The first four levels are packed with information and advice. The fifth level takes a look at sight loss and its relationship with society through the author’s personal perceptions and experience.

Winging it Blind has been written as a guide to those encountering sight loss for the first time, for those who are already blind, for those caring for someone who has sight loss, and for professionals working in the field.

Simon wrote the book using a specially adapted PC and word-processing software that we supplied for him.

Front cover of Winging It Blind, featuring a cartoon man abseiling in a Blind Veterans UK T-shirt. Text reads: Winging It Blind, or changing what you think is possible, fear not the task, celebrate what you have already achieved.
Book front cover: Winging It Blind by Simon Mahoney
Blind veteran, Simon, holding up a copy of his first book at the launch event
Simon at the launch of his first book, Descent Into Darkness
Blind veteran, Simon, smiling as he sits in an orange sailboat on the water
Simon sailing at Carsington Water
“I can’t thank Blind Veterans UK enough for the support they’ve given me over the years. By training me up on this computer I’m now able to share my knowledge and experience with others who are adapting to life with sight loss.”
Blind veteran

Simon served in the Royal Marines as a Junior Officer in the 1960s. It was later in life, at the age of 66, that Glaucoma stole his sight which was in steady decline until it was lost completely five years ago. Luckily Simon found out about our charity, and we have been supporting him ever since. He says:

“Blind Veterans UK have always been there alongside me to navigate the challenges that arise when adapting to life with sight loss.

“From practical support like white-cane training which has meant I’m able to get out and about in my local area to their general warmth and understanding nature, they have been absolutely fantastic. Every day I thank god that I’m part of this wonderful charity.”

Simon gives back to the charity by volunteering as a telephone befriender, calling other blind veterans who may be isolated or lonely and providing companionship.

Winging it Blind is available to purchase on Amazon and at