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Make fundraising for us your New Year’s resolution

Published on 6 Dec 2022

What do you want to achieve in 2023? Is your New Year’s resolution to take on a personal challenge such as a cycle ride, marathon, or sky dive?

We wouldn’t be able to support our veterans without the vital funds raised by our supporters. Fundraisers from 2022 have told us how they came to support our charity and how they have benefited personally from pushing their boundaries and taking on a challenge.

Alison's story

Alison ran her first ever race just after her 39th birthday and enjoyed the experience so much that she set herself a challenge to run 40 races before her 40th. She said:

“Running is great for my physical fitness and mental health. I ran for Blind Veterans UK in memory of my granddad, who received support from the charity. He never gave up and this is something I reminded myself of when competing my challenge.”

Alison has already signed up for her next challenge – the London Marathon in April 2023. If you'd like to join her, sign up today.

Supporter Alison wearing her marathon medal and Blind Veterans UK training top, holding up her hands to show her palms, with the number 1 written on her left palm, and 4 on her right palm.
Supporter Alison after the Chester 10k

Gary's story

Gary suffered a fractured skull and a serious brain injury five months after leaving the Royal Navy. He had served for 25 years and was excited for the future he had mapped out for himself but that all changed in an instant. He said:

“I had to have a word with myself at the start of my recovery journey, prepare for slow progress and the fact I would never be the same as I was. I couldn’t run for four and a half years, but here I am having taken part in a physical challenge to not only raise money for charity but to also push myself and achieve something.

Gary took on the 55-mile London to Brighton Cycle Ride to raise money to help veterans who, like him, require support and rehabilitation.

“Having been through a recovery process myself, I can understand the rehabilitation needs for those veterans who have lost their sight and the need for ongoing support from an amazing charity like Blind Veterans UK.”

Gary hopes to take on a skydive as his next fundraising challenge. If you'd like to take on your own challenge and fundraise for us, find out more here.

Gary on his bike, wearing a Blind Veterans UK training shirt, during the London to Brighton cycle
Supporter Gary at the finish line (photo credit: Sport Action Photo)

Simon's story

Simon ran the London Marathon in October with five of his colleagues from Thea Pharmaceuticals as part of the company’s commitment to raise money for our charity.

The challenge gave Simon and his colleagues a chance to get to know one another better during their training and fundraising, helping to build a stronger team. For Simon, at the age of 52, running his first ever marathon was an opportunity to overcome his own personal challenge. He said:

"By completing the London Marathon, I have hopefully made a difference to the lives of blind veterans, but it was also a significant personal milestone. I’ve experienced horrific back problems and pain in the past and at times this has made it difficult for me to walk, let alone ever imagine taking on a marathon.

“Despite operations in 2005 and 2012, I still get a considerable amount of pain but during my training I’ve found that running actually helps and it is great for my mental health too.

“I was hugely inspired by two blind veterans that I met and that has spurred me on to take on my own challenge. If these men can face their incredible challenges with the added difficulties that sight-loss brings then I could run a marathon.”
Simon stood in front of a canal in the sunshine wearing his Blind Veterans UK top and holding his dog
Supporter Simon during training for the London Marathon

James' story

James lives near our Centre of Wellbeing in Llandudno and always knew that if he took on a challenge for charity it would be in support of us.

In September, he spent nine days walking 140 miles around the Anglesey coastline. He said:

“I was sat in a local pub with my dad and there was a blind veteran sat beside us who was staying at the charity’s centre in the town. He told us his story, what he had been through, and how Blind Veterans UK had helped him.

“I was mesmerised and knew right then that I would take on a challenge to raise money for the charity, to show them my support, and to help them to provide rehabilitation to even more veterans.”
James wearing a Blind Veterans UK t shirt stood on the coastal path on a very sunny day with the sea in the background
Supporter James during his walking challenge in Anglesey

Set your 2023 challenge