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Military Society release Falklands War book 40 years on

Published on 24 May 2022

The British Modern Military History Society commemorate the service of Falklands veterans with a third book in their series Glimpses of War.

Glimpses of the Falklands War has been added as a special edition to the Glimpses of War series in honour of the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War.

This book shares detailed, first-hand accounts of the experiences and actions of those involved in the conflict, along with reflections on events 40 years on. Not only from those directly involved in fighting Argentine forces but also from those in vocational roles such as medics, lawyers and padres – the latter of whom were on hand to perform the sombre task of funerals as well as providing solace and support. 

It also features valuable insights into the conditions experienced by both sides during the conflict and the effects of Argentine occupation on the Falkland islanders themselves and those fighting. It shows how quickly the situation can change during conflict and the need for personnel to react quickly and look out for one another.

Illustration of soldiers running out from sea shore holding weapons
Glimpses of the Falklands War book cover snippet

Steve Walsh, a bombardier in the Royal Artillery, was onboard the Sir Galahad when it was bombed on the 8 June.

Up until that point he had been relieved to be onboard the ship. His account describes his experience from the moment the ship was hit until he was winched to safety.

“We were quite happy aboard the ship, it allowed us to dry out our kit and get some hot food. In retrospect our happiness was both naïve and short lived.”

Read an extract of Steve's story

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When receiving submissions for the book, editors Andy and Gerry Cockeram were struck by how young many of those within the British Forces were. 

Alan, one of our blind veterans and trustees, was just 17 when he went to face the Argentines with his fellow Royal Marines. Alan recounts his experience and his feelings on returning home from the conflict on his 18th birthday in the foreword of the book. 

A side by side photo of blind veteran Alan, in the present day, left, and during his time in the military, right
Blind veteran Alan, now and during his service days
“Forty years have gone by in what seems a blink of an eye, and memories fade even faster. Books like this that encapsulate memories are vital for our future generations, as it’s not always what is said, but what remains unsaid that is important.”
Blind veteran

Foreword by Alan, blind veteran and one of our trustees

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Glimpses of the Falklands War is available on Amazon, with 50% of royalties donated to Blind Veterans UK.

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