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How to promote your activity

A Blind Veterans UK poster with a large megaphone icon

So you've got a great fundraising idea and you're ready to start planning your activity?

The next step is to tell everyone about it. The more people you tell, the more donations you'll receive. And you'll help to raise awareness about Blind Veterans UK. 

How to promote your activity on social media

Regularly post about your fundraising activity on social media to raise awareness and get more donations. Holding an event? Create a Facebook event and invite your contacts.

Make sure you tag Blind Veterans UK in your post:


Tag @blindveteransuk

Write a Facebook post
Facebook Logo

Tag @blindveterans

Tweet about your activity

Tag blind.veterans

Share your activity on Instagram
Instagram Logo
  • Make sure you write out Blind Veterans UK in full and tag us, rather than using an abbreviation like BlindVets or BVUK, so that people know who you’re fundraising for.
  • Include a hashtag about the activity to help people find your post, for example #MarchForVeterans.
  • Share the link to your fundraising page with your followers.
  • Make your post stand out – tell people why you’re fundraising for Blind Veterans UK and make your story personal. Do you have a connection to the charity, for example is your family member or friend supported by Blind Veterans UK? Include photos or videos to make your post more engaging and personal.
  • Set a fundraising target. Pages with targets receive 40% more donations than those without. Keep increasing your target as you get close to meeting it to keep up the momentum.
  • Keep updating your page. Let people know how your training or preparation is going to keep them engaged and encourage more donations.

Join one of our regional Facebook groups

Share your story and meet fellow Blind Veterans UK fundraisers.

How to promote your activity in local media 

You can also publicise your fundraising activity through your local newspaper and radio station. Our expert press team can help you to write your story to increase your chances of getting it published.

  • Local reporters are often interested in positive news stories about members of the community doing something outstanding or raising money for charity, and you’re doing both!
  • Publicising your activity in local media helps drive local support and can help to increase your donations.
Did you know?

An average of 20% of donations come in after fundraising activities have ended. Keep posting updates online and sending sponsorship requests after you’ve completed your activity to maximise your total.

Icon of a sand timer with a circular arrow encompassing it

How we can help

  • Email our press team to tell them about your fundraising activity. Include a phone number they can call you back on.
  • They will phone you to get more details, including:
    • Personal information such as your name, age and where you live
    • The activity or challenge you are doing
    • Why you chose to fundraise for Blind Veterans UK
    • The link to your online fundraising page
  • For the best chance of publication, we will also ask you for a photo to go with your story.
  • Before your press release is sent to local media, we will check that you are happy with the story and that all the details are correct.
  • Our team will do everything they can to publicise your activity, but they cannot guarantee that your story will be published.

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