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Help shape our work

It’s really important to us that our work remains as relevant, useful and effective for Members as it can be.

This can only happen if you're involved in the work we do, giving us your feedback and experiences, and sharing any ideas and concerns you may have.

Read on to find out how you do this, and to access our feedback form, answer this month's five engagement questions and contact your regional representative.

Annual Member survey is live

We invite you to take part in our new Member Survey for 2024, which provides you with the opportunity to share your views on what it means to you to be a Member of Blind Veterans UK and how the charity might best support beneficiaries in the years ahead.

Find out more
An icon of a question clipboard beside a question mark

How to have your say

We've put in place the following to keep you updated about charity initiatives which could affect you as a Member, and give you the chance to tell us what you think: 


We share Charity Updates for Members visiting our centres in Llandudno and Rustington where we capture their views on our latest monthly engagement questions. These questions, which help inform a particular aspect of our work, can also be answered online - just scroll down the page.


Our Community Updates take place locally on a quarterly basis, face-to-face where possible. You can hear community news, give feedback, ask questions and share your concerns. Your community support worker can tell you when and where the next update will take place.


Every region has a regional representative who attends your community updates to keep you informed and gather your feedback. Their role is to voice your views at the Regional Members Group, a Member-led group which advises on new initiatives that have a direct impact on Members.


Views and ideas discussed in the Regional Members Group will be taken to the National Engagement Group. This group is represented by departments from across the charity, plus representatives from Working Age Members, Volunteering, Rehabilitation, Families and Carers and the Regional Members Group.

Contact your regional representative

Got a question or some feedback for your regional representative? You can ask them here via our quick online form and also put yourself forward to represent your fellow Members in your local area.

Contact your regional representative
An icon of pin dot showing location

Answer our monthly engagement survey

We ask a set of five multiple-choice questions every month to get your thoughts on a particular aspect of our work, and publish the results. The questions come from stakeholders of our National Engagement Group and take just a minute to answer.

Take a look at our latest survey
An icon of a question clipboard beside a question mark

Give us your feedback

If you have a question about anything related to our work, or would like to pass on your feedback or suggestions, then this is the quickest way to do it. Simply fill in the form and we'll make sure it's forwarded on to the appropriate member of staff.

Give us your feedback
An icon of two speech bubbles with a thumbs up and a thumbs down

Join our family and carer forum

A new Forum for our families and carers. This will be an opportunity to have your say, take ownership, and hear from key staff members from across the charity each month. 

Register your interest
Icon of two people with arms open with two speech bubbles representing a forum discussion

Other ways we keep in touch

Visit our Member news and announcements page to find national and local news especially for you, along with back issues of our magazine, Review. We can also email you all the latest updates when you sign up to our Member e-newsletter.

Member news and announcements
An icon of a magazine beside an envelope

Read more