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Every month, we put together a selection of VI-friendly creative activities for you to do from the comfort of your own home. 

You'll find our October programme of activities below. For more information and to request a kit, simply fill in the form.

Current kits available

What's our NCWP?

Our NCWP is for all our Members, whether you loved arts and crafts prior to your sight loss and need a helping hand to continue, or you're simply looking for something to occupy your time.

Who's it for?

It's available to all Members and is especially popular with those unable to visit one of our centres or who simply enjoy engaging in a creative project in a comfortable environment.

Why take part?

You may have taken part in arts and crafts activities prior to your sight loss and feel unsure how to continue them, or you may just be looking for something to occupy your time.

What's in a kit?

We'll send you everything you need to complete your creative activity, plus easy to follow, step-by-step large print instructions, as well as audio instructions on a USB stick or on email by request.

Can I do it?

Yes! The instructions are written with a VI user in mind, with tactile prompts and image descriptions, offering a more bespoke project than something you'd find in a craft store. 

Autumn mandala mosaic

This bespoke autumn mosaic has been designed for our Members with a simple step by step process of concentric circles. Your tiles will be separated into labelled bags and everything else you need for your mosaic will be inside your kit.

Request a kit

Apologies for delays

There are some dispatch delays at the moment. If you requested a kit in August/September, please be assured that a project kit will be allocated to you and dispatched in due course. Thank you for your patience and ongoing support.

A note about art materials

If you have any leftover collage materials from any recent paper craft or painting projects, please hold on to them. The fundraising team will soon be sharing a wonderful member idea and your craft materials may come in handy! Similarly, hold on to any spare mosaic tiles you might have in your packs. At Christmas, we’ll be providing materials for a “Christmas leftovers” mosaic and your leftover glue, tweezers and tiles can be used up here.

Give us your feedback

We'd love to hear your thoughts on our activities. Your feedback is so valuable as it helps shape the work we do, so we really appreciate it when you complete and return the surveys in your kits. 

We’d also love to see your finished creations! Do email us a photo of yourself with your work and let us know how you got on with it.

Email us

Request a kit

If you're interested in receiving an activity kit, simply complete the form below to find out more. All our kits are free.

Please note: due to popular demand we can only offer kits to our Members.

Are you a registered beneficiary of Blind Veterans UK?

Sign up for Member updates

We would love to send you helpful news, articles and information. As well as update you on our work and how you can support us if you choose.

Please note

You can change your contact preferences at any time by emailing us or calling us on 0300 111 2233. See our privacy policy for more details . We may also write to you or phone you about our activities. If you prefer not to receive these updates, please email us.
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